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Top 10 Challenges of Cyber Security Faced on Computers 2023

Cybersecurity is one of the major concerns for technology executives and businesses alike. Usually, several tricks are used by home and professional users to keep data and devices safe. These practices vary from enabling firewalls to scanning computers regularly for viruses. The effectiveness of these tricks depends upon the type of threat or attack your computer suffers.

In this article, we will discuss the most common cybersecurity threats that come from the network, password discrepancies, software vulnerabilities, or other sources.

Denial of Service Attack

This type of cyber threat deluges a computer or network with so many simultaneous functions. Due to this, the system becomes unresponsive to requests. DDoS (distributed DoS) also does the same thing, but the attack comes directly from a computer network.

The main purpose is to overcome the system or network. A botnet is also a kind of DDoS that infects millions of computers with malware.


This is another most popular cybersecurity attack faced by computer users in 2020. Many organizations, including multinational corporations, have fallen prey to ransomware attacks in the last couple of years. Its main goal is to hold a company’s data hostage and demand a certain huge amount from the affected user.

Ransomware can enter via accessing any infected website, using email, or hitting an online advertisement with malicious code.

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Malicious software such as viruses, worms, and spyware all come in the category of Malware. These attacks can use malicious links or attachments to penetrate your computer. It may also enter by downloading harmful software. Malware can cause several technical glitches once it breaches your system.


It may prevent access to the vital network components. It can also affect individual parts and secretly steal information by transmitting data from the hard drive.

Computer Viruses

This is the most popular type of cybersecurity issue. It can start from damaging the software to causing danger to hardware. Most household computers were hit by these viruses. A computer virus can leak your system history and get control over the saved usernames and passwords. It can also access your bank account details.

Another example is if you are getting a message ‘startup disk full error’, it might be due to a nasty virus eating up free space. You may go through online resources for more information on the error.

Cloud Attacks

Cloud storage services are being widely used today for both personal and professional requirements. People and organizations all around the world are backing up their important data on the cloud. But, cloud platforms are also getting hacked to steal user data.

If any enterprise or company’s data is infected by the iCloud hack, it would have to pay a huge cost in terms of data loss. It may also collapse.

Password Threats

Do you know that your password can also be attacked by cybersecurity threats? If the attackers get access to the right password, they can access several types of vital information. Password attacks are of different types. For example, social engineering.

In this attack, cyber attackers use a strategy that depends on human interaction. It consists of the activities of cheating users into breaching standard security practices.

Software Vulnerabilities

No matter how secure your software is, somehow, it is prone to cybersecurity threats. The software becomes more vulnerable to potential attacks when it lacks the latest update. However, most people today ignore this need.

A regular software update is significantly important for enhanced security features. Unpatched software versions are attacked quickly, so update your gadgets regularly.


This is a specific type of social engineering attack that uses fake communication to cheat people. It makes them access the forged communication and follow the instructions mentioned inside, like social media login details.

It steals sensitive and confidential data such as credit card numbers, house addresses, and login credentials. They can keep on exploiting the user’s data until they find its presence.

BYOD Policies

Using BYOD (bring your own device) policy for employees in the organization can make systems more susceptible to cybersecurity attacks. Running the outdated versions can allow hackers to easily steal confidential organizational data.

BYOD Policies

Accessing private networks on such systems can be easier if they lack security measures. Hence, avoid the use of BYOD policies for employees.

MITM Attack

MITM or man in the middle cybersecurity threat happens when hackers insert themselves into a two-party transaction. A hacker secretly interrupts and communicates messages between two parties who think they are interacting directly with each other.

Cyber attackers can filter and access confidential information after interrupting the traffic. This threat mainly happens when a user interacts using an unsecured public WiFi network.

The Conclusion

Don’t you want your business to suffer due to such cybersecurity problems? Use the best antivirus software and scan your computer for viruses. It will help you in protecting personal or professional data on your computer against any threats. Also, you can prevent slow or poor performance of your computer, thereby enjoying better productivity.

Jennifer Obrien
Jennifer Obrien
Content Writer | Social Media Manager
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