Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana 2

In this article, we will explore the second variation of Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana – it’s benefits and contraindications. It’s also known as Extended Hand-to Bigtoe pose in yoga practice where a person maintains their grounding through standing foot that helps them remain steady on one leg while balancing themselves against an extended hand with other arm raised up high into protective gesture called ‘prayer position’ (`Matsal culture)

It is important to know how to perform utthita hasta padangusthasana before reaching out to utthita hasta padangusthasana 2.

How to perform utthita hasta padangusthasana?

  • When you begin this asana bring your left knee towards your belly carefully.
  • After that, you have to reach your left arm inside the thigh and cross it over your front ankle.
  • Then hold the outside of your left foot properly. If you feel that your hamstrings are tight then hold a strap looped around your left sole carefully.
  • You have to firm your front thigh muscles of your standing led then slowly press the outer thigh inward.
  • Make sure to inhale and extend the left leg forward.
  • Straight your knee as much as you can then breath steadily. When you breathe that takes concentration and helps you balance your body in that position.
  • Hold in that position for 30 seconds after that swing your leg back to the center with an inhale.
  • Lower your foot on the floor with an exhale repeat this with the other side and make sure the time length will be the same for another side.

How to perform Extended Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose 2

You need to first grab your foot by the toe and straight your leg. After that maintain your tadasana line. Then you need to lengthen through the crown of your head and keep make sure you keep your body from tipping over. Once you feel balanced then open your leg out to the side. In this, you can also use a belt if you really lack hamstring flexibility.

It is the standing version of supta padangusthasana 2 and the second variation of utthita hasta padangusthasana. When you do this asana you stray grounded through one foot extend your foot upwards through the crown of your head. Then your other leg is lifted parallel to the floor and opened out to the side smoothly.

This asana is advanced and it requires a substantial level of hip mobility as well as hamstring flexibility. Your foundations need to be strong and you should have a good sense of balance. This sense of balance is important because in this pose you have to maintain the tadasana line so you would not be tipping over to the side.

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If you have a lack of hamstring flexibility then use a belt to maintain your balance or use wall support.

Beginner’s Tip for Standing Hand to Big Toe Pose

If you are a beginner at this asana then you can hold it longer by just supporting the raised leg foot on the chair make sure it’s top of the chair edge. After that set the chair an inch or two from a wall and press your raised heel. Make sure you press your heel firmly to the wall.

Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana 2

Utthita hasta padangusthasana 2 is same as utthita hasta padangusthasana and beneficial in all aspects. It is helpful to extend and lengthening the hamstrings of calf muscles. This pose is also very good for toning your abdominal and lower back muscles. It will strengthen your legs and ankles. Moreover, this asana stretches your backs of your legs and improves the sense of balance.

utthita hasta padangusthasana benefits

Strong muscles

It contracts various muscles and gives strength to the muscles along with full balance. Daily doers of this asana have a good sense of balancing their body and their muscles are strong as compare to any other human. This asana helps to strong biceps and triceps. Your brachioradialis, extensor carpi radialis longus, and also deltoid. These all muscles contract during the daily practice of this pose.

Improve stability and concentration

By doing this yoga daily improves your stability and your concentration. This pose also improves your body pose structure. It gives calmness to the mind and body. Utthita hasta padangusthasana benefits in lengthening the spine from the base because that helps to maintain body balance.

beneficial for athletes

It is good for athletes because this pose is also considered a recovery pose from hamstring injuries. If you have a minor hamstring injury then do this pose slowly and carefully this will reduce pain. This utthita hasta padangusthasana benefits your hip muscles to be strong and flexible.

It benefits your chest and shoulders

This yoga benefits your chest and shoulders when you stretch your muscles and hold the big toe of your raised leg. This pose also activates the joints of elbows and shoulders, wrist, fingers, etc. Reduces all the symptoms of the rheumatic disorder. We can say it is a short therapy to relieve stress and make your body look good and strong.

It is best to treat Osteoporosis and Infertility. Constipation is the major issue because of poor digestion this pose helps to regulate blood circulation and improves digestion.

Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana Contraindications

Where there are so many benefits of any yoga pose there are also some contraindications like Kapalabhati breathing contraindications and others that need to be the focus.

Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana needs a steady flow of breath along with your steady body. This is more of a balancing pose and it requires full concentration.

However, there are a few Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana contraindications to be aware of before practicing this pose. First, if you have any wrist pain or carpal tunnel syndrome, this pose may aggravate your condition. Second,People with hyperextended knees should avoid Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana, as should those with back problems or disc herniation.

While performing this asana you need to understand all the movement of your body. Everyone has a unique body shape and doing this asana should also be dirrenert on each body. A teacher of yoga may guide this in a better way. Always start with any yoga expert to understand your body requirements. Your muscles while doing this get stretched tremendously so if you do this pose wrong then you will have serious muscle injuries.

The yoga pose of Utthita Hasta is best for blood circulation in the legs. You have to take precautions so you may not face any kind of injury later because when you start doing this yoga your hips and especially your legs muscles stretched and improves your blood circulation in the body.

Doing it wrongly may directly affect your hip muscles and cause a serious hip injury that would last long so be careful while doing it. It is better to take any yoga expert advice and ask your personal doctor first that is your body is good to go with pose?. After taking permission from your doctor then begin to do this amazing beneficial yoga.

avoid this pose in high-low blood pressure

You cannot perform this yoga if you have a problem with high blood pressure. We know that this pose increases blood circulation in the body and specifically in the legs. When you do this yoga your chest muscles are put to work but this requires proper breath.

Moreover, you can’t even perform this yoga if you are suffering from low blood pressure because when you hold the breath and tighten the chest muscles that would lead you to dizziness and headache. Hence avoid Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana in high blood pressure as well as in low blood pressure.

Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana Variations

The Hand To Big Toe Pose or Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana 2 has many variations. Few of them are here.

Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana D

It is Standing Hand to Big Toe Pose D that stretches your hamstrings and your calves while you focusing on balance and alignment. The use of a yoga strap will be easy for you to perform this as it creates more room for awareness.

It will build your posture and give your muscles strength.This variation with straps make it easy and accessible for its beginners. However, it is impossible to do this pose without any props.

Revolved Hand To Big Toe Pose

It is an aerial that helps boost energy in the body in a revolved pose and hence can be included in flow yoga sequences. All you need is a prop to start your yoga journey and then when you daily perform this yoga you will no longer need of any props.

Bird Of Paradise Pose

It is the fouth Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana Variation. Practicing it brings confidence to perform this yoga without any help and that is the main point of these variations to make it easier for its students. Yoga provides many benefits in our lives and solvess our body issues in a natural way.

Final Words

Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana is a standing yoga pose that stretches the hamstrings and calves while strengthening the thighs and knees. The name of the pose comes from the Sanskrit words utthita, meaning “extended,” hasta, meaning “hand,” pada, meaning “foot,” angustha, meaning “big toe,” and asana, meaning “pose.” It can also help to improve balance and concentration. Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana strengthens the legs and ankles, stretches the hamstrings and calves, and opens the hips. Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana can also help to relieve sciatica. However, there are a few Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana contraindications to be aware of. If you have high blood pressure, heart disease, or a back injury, avoid Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana. If you are pregnant, practice Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana with caution.Give Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana a try next time you hit the mat!

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